Tuesday, October 11, 2016
I am bad....I've got a lot on my plate these days!
Anyways update for 2016...Had a super 2 weeks in Hatteras in May.
Got in 9 out of 13 days....used it all.
My new Starboard Carve 161 (carbon) worked fantastic with a camless 7.0.
My Hifly Madd 115 got some good use down to 4.7 weather and had some light air
fun on my Starboard 12'6" inflatable windsup.
Only had 1 day of rain the rest of the time it was in the high 70's low 80's
As far as sailing back home in Ktown....work dictated events, only got out a few times on light air stuff.
Disappointed for sure but we will see what happens next year.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
What the hell....once a year seems to be good enough? OK...my list has changed again...I still have the Starboard windsup...got a great deal on a Cruiser Sup still have the Viper 80...got a great deal on a Hifly Madd 115 and a Hifly Wave 258. Have got about 7 masts,6 booms and lets see...9.0/8.0/7.2/7.0/6.6/6.0/5.5/4.7/4.5. That should keep me on the water!
Leaving for Hattera's on the 2nd May for two weeks....can't wait it's been a long cold winter.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Holy Crap it's been a long-long time since I've been here....
Boy life sure gets in the way of doing stuff! I'm still a windsurfing dude....although everything I've owned has been replaced long ago.....
Doing lots of Sup'ing and longboard windsurfing. Getting ready to go to Hattera's again. Have a couple new boards)well used boards...new to me!)
Have a 12' Starboard Cruiser..SUP and windsurfing board...just bought a Fanatic Viper 80 and have a F2 Ride 274.
Sail sizes are as follows...9.0,8.0,7.9,7.2,6.6,6.0,5.5,4.5...4 masts 5 booms and a pile of fins.
I'll get some pics up when I get back from N.C.
Monday, June 8, 2009
New board looking fine
After many hours of work, I have sanded off all the non-skid and graphics of the Equipe'. Bought myself a small palm sander and it worked very well.
I was having a tuff time thinking of a way to put new non-skid on and finally found a non-skid paint made by Interlux for boats. Just the right amount of grit(very similar to what was on the board)I picked up a can of white and taped off everything and rolled away.....looks good so far will have to see how the paint wears.
The board has no graphics on it at all so it looks like a prototype.....I'll shhot some pics and add them. Also put a new centerboard gasket on her and we will see how that holds up. It was hard finding a material suitable for the slot,to buy a new one would have cost around $80 U.S. I found some floor edging that seemed like the right stiffness and glued it in with marine Goop...time will tell.
Plus found a 84 Superlite in show room condition for $125! Now I am set(and a friend) for some light wind sailing.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
New Toy! New Toy!
Hey there,well the weather is slooooow in getting warm thats for sure.
Anyways, added a new toy to the quiver...got rid of that God awful formula board and picked up a Mistral Equipe'...mabey a 94-95ish. pretty good shape overall just had to replace the dagger gasket and do some minor cosmetics.
I may sand the whole thing down to white and replce the non-skid...kinda custom like.
I always deep down loved my Equipe' when I had one years ago.....throw a 7-8 on her and cruise for hours on Lake Ontario......really enjoyed it....I'm back home.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Post trip letdown :(
Oh boy ...back for the week to work...seemed like it would never end.....major jetlag.....
Of course the weather here is cool and rainy.....can't even get back in yard to muck about.
Put up my Formula pkg up for sail so I can get a SUP board. Looking closely at the Bic Jungle as its the cheapest and seems to "do it all" surf,paddle surf,windsurf and theres a kayak seat that you can get also...only trouble is it is fugly..looks like something out of the 1980's, really sad graphics.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
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